
Tickkl's integration for Slack

Tickkl's integration for Slack provides the ability to log your worked hours directly from your workspace. What does this mean?
This means you don't need to login to Tickkl to log your daily worked hours, you can simply do it from Slack. Please, hold your applause 🚫 👏..

So what are the steps required to connect Tickkl and Slack?

  1. 1
    Register accounts for Slack and Tickkl if you haven't done this yet.
  2. Install the Tickkl app to your Slack workspace.
  3. 3
    Connect your Tickkl and Slack accounts.

That's it! You can now log your time from Slack.

Please find detailed instructions for installing the Tickkl app to your Slack workspace below.

1. Tickkl's integration for Slack can be set up inside your Tickkl account.
To enable the integration, go to Tickkl > My Settings > Integrations, click on the "Add New Connection" button, then use the "Add to Slack" button pictured below to install the app:

Add to Slack

2. You will be asked to give the app permission to read your slash commands. The app needs this permission to listen for any Tickkl commands executed in your Slack workspace in order to create a time log.


3. After accepting the permission you will be redirected to Tickkl's installation success page.
Click on the button to go to the integrations page.


4. In the integrations tab you will need to synchronise your Slack workspace with Tickkl by copying the synchronisation command and posting it into your chosen Slack channel.


5. After running the command you will get confirmation in Slack that synchronisation was successful and your Tickkl account is connected to your Slack workspace.


6. You can now log your time to your Tickkl account directly from Slack.


How it works

/tickkl-log project=API integration, message=Worked on chat integration, time=5h30m
/tickkl-log p=API integration, m=Worked on chat integration, t=5h30m


project= (or p=): One of the projects from your active space that your user is granted access to.
time= (or t=): Time to log, in a human readable format (ex. 7h, 1h43m, 55m, etc).
If this argument is ignored, we take time from your daily configuration, which is 8h by default.
message= (or m=): The description of the time log.
All arguments must be separated by a comma.